Bio Security

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Bio Security

This is one of the most integral part of live stock industry since every production unit needs to have bio security at their premisis. We provide expertise on how to secure your units and explain the procedures and products that can be used to safe guard your production sites. We also provide with various products according to your requirement.

Standard Breeders Pvt Ltd. Disinfectant Division – ready to transform poultry operations to what can be by offering the farmer the opportunity to implement practical biosecurity protocols in order to make production increasingly cost-effective by reducing the cost of disease!


Extremely powerful and concentrated.
Effective at 1000 ppm and 5% organic matter.
Compatible with pesticides.
Broad spectrum + Mycoplasmicidal + oocysticidal + Kills Ascarid worm eggs and Mycobacterium TB.
Added advantage of 2 substituted phenols.
Powerful antifungal agent TBTO.
Can be applied as fog/spray by means of thermal fogger/power sprayer.
Dependable disinfectant when cleaning is not satisfactory.